Membership Directory - Corporate

ACORN Energy Coop

Member Since: 2020


The Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op is a member owned business serving the residents of the 23 towns of Addison County, Vermont, as well as nearby towns in Rutland and Chittenden Counties. The Co-op, which emerged from our umbrella organization, the Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN), was founded in June 2008 to help transition area communities from their near total dependence on fossil fuels to a greater reliance on affordable renewable energy strategies.

As the Co-op has grown, these programs have evolved to include biomass heat, solar hot water, solar PV, and community solar electricity initiatives, as well as other heating, energy and efficiency products and services.

Membership in the Acorn Energy Co-op has many benefits, including discounts on residential solar PV systems, as well as bulk and bagged pellet home delivery. Members also receive discounts from numerous area business partners that offer energy products and services.
Company Website Address:
Available to Members
Street: 2098 Route 74
City: Cornwall
Province: Vermont
Zip Code: 05753
Phone: +1 8023851911
Sector: Non-Profit


Bd of Directors & Treasurer